Gmail Drag and Drop Attachments

Here's a nifty new trick for Gmail users.

Google just added something new to Gmail. Its been around for desktop mail clients for some time already, but its the first i've seen in a web browser based email.

We used to click 'Attach file' and had to browse through directories and folders to find the file we wanted to attach.

Now its made much simpler.
All you have to do is to open Gmail in your browser(Currently only Firefox and Chrome supported).
Open a Finder window, or an Explorer window for windows users.
Keep the Browser open in the background and drag your attachments to the 'Add Attachments' area.
You should see a box appearing, just let go of the attachments there, and it'll start uploading.
Like so:

And you can even select multiple files using the 'cntrl' or 'command' button, or 'shift', or just drag and select.

A much easier way to add attachments.

Hope this helps! :D


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